Ancient Panch Mandir,Chapra

Ancient Panch Mandir, Chapra

The ancient Panch Mandir is a beautiful temple built by Kayasthas ,mentioned in autobiography of Dr Rajendra Prashad , 1st president of India . It is situated in Bhagwan Bazar location of Chapra town in Bihar. 

Architecturally two-three hundred years old... Having Curvilinear  shikhar, urushring ,Nagara style of temple architecture.

Not much information available. Local residents in the complex are not very friendly to visitors. 


  1. Just visited the temple last week. Although not much information is available about the temples, the people living inside the temple complex did have some interesting stories. Dont agree to the fact that that they are not helpful.

    1. The temple was built by Sri Ram Sahay a few centuries ago..

  2. The temple was built by Sri Ram Sahay a few centuries ago..

  3. Will be visiting soon

  4. मैं भी आज इस मंदिर में गय ,इसकी बनावट तथा कलाकृतियों को देखने से भी लगता है कि यह बहुत ही प्राचीन मंदिर है ।
    लेकिन इसके बारे में कोई खाश जानकारी नही है

  5. It is very auspicious place the government of Bihar should preserve this ancient building


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